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  • Writer's pictureAngela Hauzeur


As a baby boomer, this is my third time watching an impeachment proceeding against the president of the United States of America. I noticed extreme differences among the three cases.

Like the first one I watched, – Nixon, the current President wants a leg up on a political opponent. Unlike Nixon who authorized the break-in of the Democratic National Committee Headquarters, Trump requested assistance of a foreign country. Clinton's impeachment is different because his crime was he lied to Congress about an affair. This difference in Clinton's impeachment was not about political advantage, but lying to Congress.

Preliminary discussion as to how the Trump trial will culminate is worrisome because purportedly the Clinton model is being touted for Trump's case. I personally feel, the Clinton model won't be applicable because Ken Starr had investigated for greater than a year with 18 boxes of information and depositions of witnesses. In the Trump situation, there is hardly any evidentiary documentation. It will only work providing that documents and witnesses are allowed.

Having served as a juror on various trials including grand juries, I expect no less than what I've experienced during those proceedings. I want US Senators to render impartial justice by ensuring all documents and witnesses during this Senate trial.

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